Our animated documentary by Joanna Kozuch Once There Was a Sea… recieved the award of Slovak Film and Television Academy Sun in the Net as the Best Animation Film.
Once There Was a Sea… is a story about the Aral Sea. Most of the changes in climate and landscape in the area of the Aral Sea are the outcomes of one of the worst man-made eco-catastrophes in human history. The Aral Sea is dying. The idea of the film Once There Was a Sea… came to mind of director Joanna Kozuch during her train trips through the region of Middle Asia in 2008 and 2014. The film is inspired by the place on the borders of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan and the stories and destinies of the people that she has met when I was exploring the disaster of Aral Sea.
Film will be premiered in TV on Thursday, April 28, at 21:25 on the channel Dvojka.
List of all winners of the national film awards you can find here.